Our beautiful breeders group on the “Winner Leeuwarden”
Amilia Helin would like to exhibit in the Netherlands. To do this she had to drive 800km back and forth from Sweden. Amilia is the proud owner of Ch. “Seepferdchen aus dem Elbe Urstromtal”.
Amilia asked me if I would like to register a breeders group again. I did this regularly in the 80s and 90s, always showing three dogs alone and almost always winning. But that was a long time ago. The last time I was in the ring with a breeders group, was at the Euro OES Show in 2011 in Czechoslovakia.
In the Scandinavian countries, breeding group competition is a big affair. Around 60 to 100 groups take part at the very large exhibitions. A breeding group consists of at least 3 dogs with the same kennel name, in our case “Aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”. The goal is to show a uniform group of type and beauty from your Kennel. I myself had registered my two girls “Uschi Glas” and “Vorbildlich”. I knew that Gerda Jolink came with her “Ch. Ultrachic”. I asked her if she would also like to join the breeders group. That was a “yes,” I’d love to.”
So we registered for this competition, which was judged by Ms. Wil Schrander from the Netherlands. Unfortunately, Ms. Schrander didn’t ask how many different litters were represented in the breeding group. Our group was out of 4 different combinations, with 7 different parents.
There were only 5 groups present in total.
We showed our 4 dogs with 3 people and chose my old-fashioned way of showing, showing the dogs in a row.
We had a lot of fun with our beautiful dogs. We ended in 2nd place behind the Bouvier breeding group.
from left to right Gerda Jolink with “Ultachic”, Conny with “Uschi Glas” and “Vorbildlich ” and Amilia Helin with “Seepferdchen”