30 April 2024

Exhibitions in April 2024

It’s almost a tradition that we go to the big show in Luxembourg at the end of March or beginning of April. It is very tempting, because with 2 CAC you can win the title Luxembourg Champion.

Our “Caro” was entered in the intermediate class on both days. I was able to persuade Lilliane Friederich and her husband Mike to enter “Skipper” in the open class males. The judges were 2 Belgian judges. On Saturday Mr de Cuyper and on Sunday Mr Desymere.

Lillianne was willing to be my travelling companion and help me to show the dogs on 2 days. On Friday 5 April 2024 we went to the hotel in Luxembourg  and in the afternoon we had a look at the beautiful city and enjoyed some delicious macarons at Ladure.

The weather was wonderfully warm and sunny.

On Saturday, as on Sunday, 2 males and 5 females were entered. One bitch from the champion class did not turn up on either day.

Saturday was brilliant for us:

Best male : “Udo Jürgens aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” under the judge Mr De Cuyper and best of breed “Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”. In the afternoon in the ring of honour she was among the last 6 in group 1, judged by Mrs Lepasaar from Estonia.

Chris van Beirendonk was once again kind enough to present “Skipper” for the BOB.

On Sunday we had to wait a bit for the judging. As always, Mr Andreas Junghofer took the great photos in Luxembourg. Thank you very much

Lilliane with “Skipper”


Chris with “Skipper” in the ring and Conny with “Caro”


Sunday was a repeat of Saturday and we won with Skipper and Caro

Best of Breed at 18 months and Luxembourg Champion (No. 175) “Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” and Best Male and also new Luxembourg Champion (No. 174) “Udo Jürgens aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” owned by Lillianne and Mike Friederich.

with the judge Mr Desymere

in the afternoon in the ring of honour our “Caro” was again among the last 6, judge was Mr Güllix from Germany

Everything was won, all rosettes collected. Time for lunch and a bit of fun….

On the same weekend, the national show took place in Mulhouse/F. on Saturday. Angelika Bardelli lives almost round the corner in Switzerland and showed her young Ch. “Verliebt aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” On Saturday she won Best of Breed and was selected in the group among the last 5.

On Sunday was the international show in Muhlouse/F. Judge was Mr C.P. Fricke from Germany.

BOB was the male dog Ch. “Lord Fleming of Brammer Bairns” owned by Ria van der Wal, Best Bitch was A. Bardelli with Ch. “Verliebt aus dem Elbe-Urststomtal”

Photo with thanks to Mr Fricke

Am Sonntag war in Muhlouse/F die Intrnationale Show. Richter war Herr C.P. Fricke aus Deutschland.

BOB war der Rüde Ch. “Lord Fleming of Brammer Bairns” im Besitz von Ria van der Wal, Beste Hündin wurde A. Bardelli mit Ch. “Verliebt aus dem Elbe-Urststomtal”

Foto mit Dank an Herr Fricke

France again, this time in Lyon on Sunday April 14th, 2024 Best of the Breed with CACIB, CAC for “Verliebt aus dem  Elbe-Urstromtal” Judge was Mr. S. Giannone/F. “Luana” was in the last 6 in Group 1, judged by the Frenchman Mr. Karcher

We were in Hazerwoude-Dorp on Sunday, which is below Amsterdam, only a 2-hour drive. If you want to arrive at 7.30am, you have to get up at 4.30am and leave at 5.30am. You can’t get home before 7pm. That makes you tired and my advanced age doesn’t make it any easier.

It was almost a successful day. Mrs S. Lazic from Serbia had entered 2 males in the junior class and 1 male in the open class, that was “Udo Jürgens aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”. He was beaten by Chris van Beirendonk “Casanova Demabo”. I didn’t agree with that and neither did Chris. But nothing to do. There were also 3 bitches in the intermediate class, where our “Caro” also stood, and 4 bitches in the champion class. Among them was Gerda Jolink with ” Ultra Chic”, she was excellent 3rd place

“Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”

won the intermediate class, became best bitch and best of breed.

“Caro”, “Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” Teh judge and Best Male “Casanova Demabo”

Res- Best female was “Up to date of Snowboot Bears” a daughter of Ch. “Rock me Amadeus aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”

“Caro ” just 18 months old

Then the long wait for the ring of honour started again. This was punctually at 4 pm. Group 1 was judged by the charming Norwegian Mr A. Tunold-Hanssen and to our great joy “Caro” became 3rd best of group 1.

I am 161 cm tall….



Dormagen near Neuss/GER was the venue for the first Outdoor Specialshow. It is always a very nice, well-organised show of the Club for British Herding Dogs. This time at the end of April instead of June, the weather played along. It stayed dry, sunny but also very windy. My dear Monika Fuss was my team with her great Bearded Collie male ‘Firstprizebears Pikes Peak’ he was for the first time in the veteran class. He won Best of Breed and Best Veteran in Show. That was great.

I had our ‘Caro’ with me. She started with the judge Mr Fricke ‘GER in the intermediate class and did well. Best of breed and won her first German Champion title.

Our ancient tent, which is already 16 years old, protected us against the wind. ‘Pikes’ guarded everything


“Caro” aka “Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” she has such a beautiful movement


Gerda Jolink had entered ‘Ch. Ultrachic aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal’ in the champion class. I was allowed to show her and with success. 1st place in the champion class and all qualifications for the German Club Champion and the German VDH title were fulfilled.

2nd place went to Peggy Kraaigenveld with “Ch. Hockesberghe’s Walc Grace Us Giulia”

Gerda Jolink with Ch.” Ultrachic aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”

All winning dogs, male champion class, female junior class, Caro intermediate class, Gerda champion class and open class female. All results at BobtailsOnline

Best of Breed “Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”, the judge Mr Fricke and Best Male “Poet’s Garden Juir Jump for Joy

A short summary of the day

In the USA, in beautiful California, Georgina Jensen was at 2 shows with ‘Underpressure aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal’. Vallejo Fairground from the Redwood Empire Kennel Club was the organiser. On both days she won Best of Breed