Ausstellung Januar 2024
We have a break from the exhibition, not completely, but a little. That had to be the case after the exhibition marathon in 2023
In Gdansk/Poland, a double CACIB exhibition took place on January the 6th/7th. 2024. On the first day the Turk judged Mr. O. Belkis judged.
Best male with CACIB, CAC was “Ch. Seepferdchen aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” owner A. Hemlin/Sweden. With this CACIB “Rolfi” has fulfilled all the conditions for the International Champion. BOB was Zsolt Hanol from Hungary Ch Bugaboo’s A Million Dreams
In Paris/F. an international exhibition took place on January 6th, 2024. The judge was the Frenchman Mr. Kerfriden. Ms. A. Bardelli came with Ch. “Verliebt aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal“. She won the intermediate class with this beautiful girl. Incomprehensibly, however, she lost to the bitch from the open class and received the Res-CACIB, Res-CAC.
I think the photos speak a clear language
On Saturday January 13th, 2024 a small CAC show was held in Genk/B. Liliane and Mike Friederich had agreed that “Skipper” could be shown at this exhibition.
I gladly accepted this opportunity and registered him under the judge Mr. Ivan Jukic from Bosnia Herzogvina. There were 3 males and 3 females registered.
“Udo Jürgens aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” was alone in the open class and received Excellent 1. He lost to the male from the champion class and received the Res-CAC
Best of Breed was Ch. “Airzeppeline Hercules Junior of Mat’n Nic” Owner Mr. M.. Autolitano/Ital. Best bitch was the daughter of “Rock me Amadeus”, just 2 years old “Velvet Roos of Snowbootbears” Besitzer Frau C. van Beirendonk
On Sunday January 28th, 2024, “Ch. Verliebt aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” owner A. Bardelli /CH won the CACIB, CAC and Best Female at the exhibition in Di Forli/Italy. The judge was the Irish woman C. Mulchay.
Photo with thanks to G. Di Stanislao
on the left the BOB male, the judge and “Ch. Verliebt aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”
I didn’t want to go to the exhibition in Mouscroen/BEL (January 28, 2024), at the other end of Belgium, but I had no other choice! In September 2023 our “Caro” won her 3 youth titles in 3 countries. So nothing stood in the way of the request for the FCI International Youth Champion. Done immediately, I was immediately informed that it could take until the beginning of January 2024 for confirmation. It was the beginning of January 2024 and I politely asked the FCI whether there was any news regarding the confirmation. The nice lady told me that she had checked my request and found that there was no entitlement in Belgium from an international exhibition. “Caro” had won the required Junior CAC at national exhibitions.
Ouch… we had already exhibited 8 times for the junior champion FCI, which is an expensive affair. It was one day before the registration deadline for the exhibition in Moescroen. The next show in Belgium is on March 17, 2024 and then “Caro” will be 18 months old and can no longer be shown in the youth class. We immediately registered for the exhibition and asked Mike and Lillianne Friederich if we should exhibit “Skipper” there too.
We drove to Moescroen on Sunday morning at 5.45. We were lucky and all the snow had disappeared again. We arrived at the halls at 8 a.m. and our dear Chris van Beirendonk had saved a place for us at the ring. Of the 9 registered OES, 2 were missing, so there were 2 males, one in the youth class and “Skipper” in the open class.
“Caro” was alone in the youth class, there were 2 bitches in the intermediate class and 2 in the open class. Unfortunately, Chris and her great Cooper daughter only got the Res-CACIB.
But everything worked out for us. The judge Mr Jos de Cuyper/BEL made
“Udo Jürgens aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” Best male. “Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” was best junior against the male dog and won best of the breed over the adult females. I was more than satisfied.
“Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” best of the breed, “Udo Jürgens aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” owners M. and L Friederich. Thanks to Chris for helping with the photos.
It was 11 a.m. and now we had to wait until 4 p.m. for the Ring of Honor. Mr. Jos de Cuypers judges the junior dogs, but he had no use for “Caro”.
Ms. Vermeire judged Group 1 and for me no chance of winning anything. But it’s just appropriate to still appear in the Ring of Honor.
If you have so much time, you can have beautiful photos taken by Karl Donvil. Chris was kind enough to help me as she headed home.
“Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” at 16 months
Monday morning our beloved “Caro” again in private