9 November 2012

Tartu/Est, Praag/CZ and Bleiswijk/NL

Sunday, Rita Trial from Estonia was completely out herself for joy. She was with “Kaffelatte aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” at the Show in Tarty. Here the Irishman Paul Lawless was judging. “Kaffeelatte” won her 3rd Youth CAC, became Best Junior of the Breed and is now an Estonian Junior Champion.

Rita has promised to send a picture. here it comes….

Kaffeelatte in Tartu 10-12

The van Bossche family was together with their Beardie “Tobi” and their OES male “Ch. Just Because aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” to the double Show of Prag. On the first day the judge was the Norwegian Leif H. Wilberg and on the second day Mr. Milan Krinkle. On both days, in a full Champion Class, Floh only received an Excellent 3.

Saturday 03-11-12, Chris Beirendonk and her “Koko Chanell aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” where at the Show in Bleiswijk/NL. Mrs. J. Lanning from the UK judged. “Chanell” got a second place in the Youth Class.