31 May 2011

Pebbles gave birth

Yesterday around 17.00 hrs Pebbeles started with the birth of the first puppy. Around midnight (00.30) the last one was born.

6 males and 6 bitches where born. Unfortunately one boy was born dead and one bitch couldn’t breath well, probably due to slime in her longues.

So now we are happy with 5 males and 5 bitches. The males weigh is  between 260gr and 400 gr. The ladies around 280 gr., except the smallest one she has 180 gr. Pebbles has been washed and cleaned and is a sleep at this moment in the whelpingbox. The puppies are also quiet and satisfied. Let’s see if I get a chance to lie down for a little bit as I am missing one night of sleep.

first day with mum