11 August 2013

125 Years Old English Sheepdog Club

It was already 25 years ago, that I visisted the 100 Year celebration of the First OES Club of England. That time, 250 Bobtails could be admired and where judged by Mrs. Ferlith Hamilton. That amount was a record. Best of Breed became Christina Bailey’s und John Smith’ “GB-Ch. Zottels Miss Marple of Lameda”. She also became the most winning Bobtail in England and was a daughter of our Ch. Lohengrin aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal.

Now, 25 years later, we had the celebration for the 125th Jubilee in Swindon. Off course we could not stay away and had to be there. Colin and Pauline Barnes, who both are Board Members of the Club as Vice-President and Secretary (Hon.) since ages, had together with the other members organised a beautiful Show. Almost a hundred Old English Sheepdog had been enetered and where judged by our respected Christine Barber (Bartine OES), who lives in Spain for many years.

We had wonderful company and lots of fun. Unfortunately the weather was not quite as good, but that did not change the moods. My personal highlight was the fact that I saw Norman Harrison again. He who bred the famous Fernvill Bobtails once. He was and still is an appearance and he or she who has ever shown under him, will never forget him. I also had the pleasure to say hello again to Jean Collins and I was pleased to see that she was in good health. Her good sence of humor she has never lost. Jean was very succesful in the eighties with “Ch. Jedforst Don Carlos”. We had lost of things to talk about from the good old days. Wonderful memories.

I have to thank Kiriakos Kontadakiv for the pictures he made this day.

Pauline Barnes

our dear Pauline Barnes

Colin Barnes with the always charming Christine Barber

Colin Barnes and Christine Barber

Norman Harrison was accompanied by Lynett Little (ex Lewis) “Tryshape OES”

Norman Harrison Lynette Lewis

Jean Collins

Jean Collins

To honour the 125 year Jubilee, the Club has a new OES modell, which was created by Helen Dudley. As a crowing closure of this show, there was an enormous cake, on which this new OES model (made of glazing) was placed. Jenny Halden, is the artist who can create such a piece of art. It was a pity that we could not enjoy a piece of this cake, because we had to catch the Shuttle. Harry was so clever to make a picture of this enormous and beautiful cake.


Thanks to Inge van Engelen for this nice picture

Jubilee show family foto