Posts published in 2012
16 May 2012
Europasieger-Show and Nat-Show in Dortmund 12/13-5-12
16 May 2012
Club-Siegershow for British Sheepdogs
16 May 2012
Zatopeck 12 year old and still fit
15 May 2012
Thank you very much Harry
3 May 2012
Jetset has 3 new Champion Titles
3 May 2012
PCD News
30 April 2012
Great Malvern in the UK
29 April 2012
Knaller in Opole/PL and Floh in Lingen/GER
23 April 2012
Lasse becomes 1 year
18 April 2012
CAC Wiehl/GER 15-04-2012 and Sweden