Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal

Vorbildlich aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal


MC Ch. Take That aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+, EIC +/+, MDR1 +/+, CA/HA +/+, DM +/+D-VDH-NL Ch. Rock Me Amadeus aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A, Eyes-clear, ED 0, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/+, MDR1 +/+, CA/HA +/+, DM +/+INT-D-VDH-BE-LUX-NL Ch. Norman Harrisson aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/-, CA/HA +/+INT-BE-LUX-NL-SE Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD B1, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, CA/HA +/+
INT-GB-D-VDH-LUX-NL Ch. Jadore aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A1, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/+
INT-BE-LUX-NL Ch. Aryakas Niki Elbe-UrstromtalHD A2, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/+LUX-NL Ch. Zeppeline AlcaponeHD A, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+
Aryakas Lygeia
Milblue’s AprilhimlenHD A, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/-, MDR1 +/+, CA/HA +/+INT-D-VDH-BE-LUX-NL-SE Ch. Kingsize aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A1, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/+INT-D-VDH-BE-LUX-NL Ch. Incognito Of Snowboot BearsHD A, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+
INT-D-VDH-BE-LUX-NL-NOR-SE-FIN-NORD-RUS Ch. Elbandita aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A1, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+, CA/HA +/+
NOR Ch. Grey Souls Blackbird FlyingHD B, Eyes-clearGB Ch. Jeddep Hairy BikerHD 7:3, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+
SE Ch. Grey Souls Amazing GraceHD B, Eyes-clear
LUX Ch. Q’Anna Anka aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+, EIC +/+, MDR1 +/+, CA/HA +/+INT-BE-LUX-NL Ch. Macoes Bacardi Snowboot BearHD A, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/+, MDR1 +/+NL-PL-SK Ch. Macoes AspenHD B, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+, MDR1 +/+INT-D-VDH-NL-ITA Ch. Kassenknüller aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A
INT-PL-BUL-AZ-MOL Ch. Aryakas NephelePCD +/+
BUL-GEO-MOL-MCD-CY Ch. Lafayette aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A, Eyes-clearINT-D-VDH-LUX-CRO Ch. Aryakas HerculesHD A, Eyes-clear, ED 0, BAER +/+, PCD +/+
INT-D-VDH-BE-LUX-NL Ch. Himmlisch aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD B1, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+
Not Tonight aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD 5:5, Eyes-clear, ED 0, PCD +/+INT-BE-LUX-NL-SE Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD B1, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, CA/HA +/+AM Ch. To-Jo’s Funny PapersHD Good, Eyes-clear
AM Ch. Applaus aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD Excellent, Eyes-clear
INT-GB-D-VDH-LUX-NL Ch. Jadore aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD A1, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+, EIC +/+INT-D-VDH-BE-LUX-NL Ch. Incognito Of Snowboot BearsHD A, Eyes-clear, BAER +/+, PCD +/+
Holiday Inn aus dem Elbe-UrstromtalHD B1, Eyes-clear, PCD +/+
Show results
28-05-2023Euro OES Show Ribeauville/FMr. J.-P. Thual/F,Very promising 2
18-06-2023CC Clubmatch Dutch NLOESAMr. J. Ravn/DKExcellent 2
30-07-2023Spec. Geraadsbergen/BELMrs. Timmermans-Kadenko/NLExc, 1, J-CAC, Best Junior, Best of Breed
05-08-2023Spec. Brabo Brasschaat/BELMrs. I. Hectors/BELExc 1, J-CAC, Best Junior Best of Breed, Res- Group 1 (Judge Mr. Leenen)
06-08-2023NDS Rotterdam/NLMr. S. Rooney/IRLExc 1, J-CAC, Best Junior
15-08-2023Spec. KV Aalst/BELMr. Rooney/IRLExc 1, J-CAC, BOB, Best Junior group 1 & selected last 3 group 1 Mr. Rooney and new Belgium Junior Champion
02-09-2023IDS Luxemburg/LUXMr. U. Nölke/GERExc 2
03-09-2023IDS Luxemburg/LUXMr. G. Schäfer/GERExc 1, new Luxemburger Junior Ch
10-09-2023NDS Zwolle/NLMr. C. Hastings/IRLExc 1, J-CAC
16-09-2023IDS Maastricht/NLMr. A. Szutkiewicz/PLExc 1, J-CAC, new Dutch Junior Ch. and Res-CAC Res- Best Bitch
17-09-2023IDS Maastricht/NLMrs. S. Lazic/RSExc 1, J-CAC
22-10-2023IDS Bleiswijk/NLMrs. A. Buvik/NOExc 1, J-CAC, Res- CAC, Res. Best bitch
03-11-2023BSZ Dortmund/GERMrs. S. Boyd/GERExc, 1, J-CAC, Bundesjugendsieger, 2nd Best Junior group 1
04-11-2023HSZ Dortmund/GERMr. J. J. Dupas/FExc 1, J-CAC, Best Junior
26-11-2023IDS Winner Leeuwarden/NLMr. R. Douma/NLExc 1, J-CAC, Res-Bitch CAC, Best Junior Group 1 Judge. D. Baars/NL Junior Winner Leeuwarden’23
10-12-2023IDS Xmasshow Gorinchem/NLMrs. L. Mouchard/NLExc 1, J-CAC
16-12-2023NDS Brüssel/BELMr. N. Smolic/HRExc 1, CAC, BOB
17-12-2023IDS Brüssel/BELMrs. Melchior/LUXExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOS
17-12-2023NDS Brüssel/BELMr. P. Delrue/PORT.Exc 1, CAC,
28-01-2024IDS Moescroen/BELMr. J. de Cuyper/BELExc 1, J-CAC, Best Junior and Best of Breed
06-04-2024IDS Luxemburg/LUXMr. J. de Cuyper/BELExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB selected last 6 group 1
07-04-2024IDS Luxemburg/LUXMr. N. Desymere/BELExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB selected last 6 group 1, new Luxemburg Champion
14-04-2024IDS Bleiswijk/NLMrs. S. Lazic/RSExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, BIG 3 (Judge Mr. A. Tunold-Hanssen/NO
28-04-2024Spec. Dormagen/GERMr. C.-P. Fricke/GERExc 1, CAC, VDH-SA, BOB
19-05-2024Euro OES Show Finland/FINMrs. B. Müller/CHExc 1, CAC, Res- Best bitch, new Finish Champion
24-05-2024IDS ES Dortmund/GERMr. R. Blessing/GERExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, Europasieger,  3rd group 1 Judge Mr. M. Krinke/CZ
25-05-2024IDS Dortmund-Frühjahrssieger/GERMr. Lepasaar/ESTExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, last 6 in group 1. Mrs. Nölke/GER
08-06-2024NDS Geldrop/NLMr. J. de Cuypers/BELExc 1, Res- CAC
28-07-2024IDS German Winner Gelsenkirchen/GERMrs. S. Langhorst/GERExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, Best in Group 1 Judge Mr. J. Wauben/NL, German Winner
23-08-2024IDS Mechelen/BELMrs. A. Gielisse/NLExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, BIG 2 Judge Mrs. K. Gilliland/Irl.
31-08-2024IDS Luxemburg/GERMr. Dux/GERExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, BIG 1 Judge Mrs. R. Wagner/LUX
28-09-2024IDS Maastricht/NLMrs. L. Mouchard/NLExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB
29-09-2024IDS Maastricht/NLMr. R. Douma/NLExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB BIG 2, Judge Mr. Douma/NL
03-11-2024IDS Bleiswijk/NLMr. M. Wibier/NLExc 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB BIG 1 Judge M. Wibier, BEST IN SHOW Judge Mrs. Anita Gielesse/NL
09-11-2024BSZ Dortmund/GERMr. J. Liimatainen/FINExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, seleted last 6 group 1, Bundessiegerin, VDH-Jahressiegerin 2024
24-11-2024Spec. British Sheepdogs Club Belgium/BEMrs. A. King/GBExc 1, CAC, BOB and BEST in Show
29-11-2024Frysian Cup Leeuwarden/NLMr. Juanchicot/FExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, Best in Group 1 ( Mrs. R. Wagner/LUX)
01-12-2024Dutch Winner Leeuwarden/NLMr. G. Jeavons/CDNExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB, Res- Best in Group 1 (Mr. L. Wilberg/NO)
07-12-2024IDS Xmas Show Gorinchem/NLMrs. M. Ten Cate/NLExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB selected last 6 in group 1, judge Mrs. Ten Cate/NL
12-01-2025IDS Genk/BELMr. J. Wauben/NLExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOB new Belgium & Int. Ch., 3rd Group 1 Judge Mr. S. Mitrevski/Macedonia
02-02-2025IDS Moescroen/BELMr. J.J. Dupas/FExc 1, CACIB, CAC, BOS
General Information
  • Pet Name Caro
  • Date of birth 15-09-2022
  • Hipscore HD A, ED 0 OCD 0
  • Eyes Score all clear 10-2023
  • Titles International-,Luxemburg-, Finish-, German VDH-, Belgium Champion
  • Other Belgium-, Luxemburg- Dutch and FCI- Junior Champion, Bundesjugendsieger 23, Junior Winner Leeuwarden '23, Belgium Winner'23, Europasiegerin 2024, Bundessiegerin 2024, VDH-Jahressiegerin 2024, Dutch Winner'24