“Sockes” puppies, one week old
In the mean time a week has past, since Socke’s (Himmlisch aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal) 10 puppies have been born. It were also 8 nights on the couch and getting up uncountable times per night, to help Socke and lay her down in the welpingbox. She is so very careful. Everytime, if she wants to let her puppies drink, I will get up and help her, in order to arrange all 10 puppies so that all can drink. As soon as they start smacking, I can go back on the couch to catch some more sleep. Boredom is a word you will not find here. Since a few days, Socke had a higher temperature, but all is back to normal. She eats 3 times a day and on top gets cottage cheese, fried eggs and lot of Regal dry food. That means that all puppies, who had a good birth weight, have almost doubled this. Some of them even a little more and tree of them were 20 grams under this standard.
The pictures of today, with one week.
All 7 males. They will be called by the following names: Leonardo, Lagerfeld, Lancelott, Lord Lester, Lets Dance, Lets Go and Let it be
5 males
2 more boys
3 ladies by the name of: La Luna, Lafite and Lafayette
at 10 days on xmaseve