Shows November 2019
At the end of October I had visited “Otto” and gave him a new hairstyle. Afterwards he looked really good. At least that’s what I think and its owners Debbie and Martin Palmer.
Otto” made the beginning in November at the Working & Pastoral Breeds show in Edingburgh / Scottland on 2 November. “Otto” looked great and the judge Mrs. Carole Birdsall / GB was also very impressed by “JW Red Devil from the Elbe-Urstromtal“. He won the postgraduate class and became Res-CC winner, 2nd best male the tender age of 15 months in England. WOW!!
and at home playing with his toys again
The same weekend I was with “Anna” to double CACIB in Bleiswijk / NL. On Saturday Mrs. P. Runderkamp / NL judged. “Anna” won Best Bitch and got the CACIB and CAC. Now she has all tickets for her Titel of a “Dutch Champion” received, she is just 28 months old. Unfortunately, exactly one day was missing on Saturday to finish the title International Champion. On the second day Ms R. Chiodi / NL wrote Anna a very nice judge’s report, but she was too slow in her movement for her. Anna runs like a clockwork without constantly jumping or pacing But that’s exactly what Ms. Chiodi liked that day and Anna got her Excellent 1 (she was alone) in the champion class and nothing else.
Dutch Champion “Q’Anna Anka aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” with the judge Mrs. Runderkamp. this photo is from the 2nd day
Ms. Weissmann was with her “Ziva” alias “Sexygirl aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” in Metz / F on 2.11. and on both days 9./10.11. at the Int show in Karlsruhe / GER. Ziva was Best Puppy on all 3 shows.
On Sunday 17-11-19 we went with our “Sonja” to Kortrijk / BEL. Every year there is a very big exhibition with a lot of entertainment. It was a long time ago that I was there. The judge of the day was Mrs. A. Gregori/BEL . I have never exhibited under her, but everything has been fine. There were only 6 OES registered 2 males and 4 females. “Sonja” was able to show her class again with her adolescent 16 months.
Best of the breed with CACIB, CAC and later 3rd Best of the group 1 with the Irish judge Mrs. Dunne.
“Red Rose from the Elbe-Urstromtal” “Sonja” my love
Sonja with the winner out of Open class bitches
Conny and Sonja charing a happy moment
Best male became “Touch of Charm everywere you go”owned by family De Severen / NL. He is a son of my “Norman Harrison” and became Belgian champion that day. It is the 6th child of “Norman” who has a Champion title
The Platteland TV made a widespread interview with us. “Sonja” 3rd place in Group 1
On the 17th of November in the Netherlands was the puppy and young dog day of the OESCN . Chris Beirendonk had the desire to take our “Rolfi”, so that he can smell the exhibition air. Mrs. D. Sari judged, she is a breeder of Southern Russian Owtscharkas. “Rolfi” behaved so well and and behaived perfetly
Result: BEST BABY “Seepferdchen aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal”
Thanks Chris you made our day perfect