Pebbles puppies, 5 weeks old
5 weeks old was our “football team” last Saturday. It was time again for the weekly weighing. The thick “Bommel” was with his weight of 3500 gram a heavy weight. The lightest was as usual a bitch with 2600 gr. The rest had between 2800 and 3100 grams. Also the forgotten wormcure was catched up. Since last Sunday, they can go outside through the hatch, which is kept open by the welknown cup. The outer area of the kennel was thoroughly investigated and is used as a toilet since today (Monday). Inside, in the backpart, only piddles are done. It is our hope that these little pigs, will become clean little Bobtail children. Any way, I am satisfied with these kids and now have the time to observe them to see who is a hooligan, a sleeping pill or who are just friendly and pleasant. From the 6th week onwards, the puppy buyers expect from me that I can advise them, which puppy suits the best with them.
This picture was made mid last week, all 11 during diner.
Here, the hatch was still held open by the wellknown cup, but that is history now.
Should I really wash all 11 puppies again for the weekly glamour picture? I was too lazy on Sunday, so I didn’t do it. It is my opinion that the pictures have come out well. With the 4 girls I had to choose between 2 pictures and could not decide which one I liked better.
and again
I have managed!! All 7 males in one line on the stretcher. Now I only have to find a way, that they look straight forward into the camera.