28 September 2012

Ch. Applause aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal 08-07-2001 – 25-09-2012

Paige Stauffer has, with pride, presented her beloved “Miss T” on Saturday 22-09-2012 during the National Specialty in the USA. “MissT” loved the catwalk and attention alot. During the return journey on Tuesday, she jumped out of the car and something was wrong with her frontleg. A visit to the veterenarian brought that she had bone cancer in the endstate. Paige did not want her to suffer and ended this. Paige and her family are very sad.

“Miss T” gave me my wonderful “Texas” and “Bandita”. Paige was so kind an lent me “Applause”for a special litter in 2005. Paige and John I am so thankful for that.

Applaus aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal

This was Applause on the Show on Saturday.

and her, as she was in October 2005, as she was at our place to get her pupies.

Applause aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal