12 September 2013

My Texas

“Texas” (Super Multi Ch. Eldorado aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)is my shadow, where I am he is. He hates it, when I need to clean his dirty beard. Do I call him into the washing department, he comes moving in a snail’s pace to me. However, do I call King or Lasse, Texas will stand in front of them, because he is so jalous, that he does not allow them to get any attention what so ever. From this I take my advantage: if I want to wash Texas his beard, I just call King and everything goes very fast and I don’t have to wait until he comes over in a snail’s pace.

Last week he has gotten a bath and was freshly groomed. It was wonderful weather outside and Texas had to recover from these strains.

Texas completely clean


a look, that makes you melt

Texas-1-klein kopf

to be beautiful, makes you tires

Texas-3-klein müde