Mückes and Apsens Puppies 5 week old
My group of 5 puppies is funny. It is fun to watch them for hours playing, sleeping and eating. They are starting to become little personalities, each has its own character. To learn the different taste of meat, I started tham with lamb breast to play and chew on. This was very exciting for them and they all got very tired. Mamma “Mücke” could not wait to get back to her puppies and also to eat the fresh lamb that was left as fast as possible!
A beautiful male is still available, I would be pleased to show it.
“Heinzi” alias Potpurri” thinks that my finger are almost as tasty as fresh lamb. not an easy life as a breeder…….
Now the mandatory 5 week photos
Patchwork the girl
Priceless and Phantom 2 boys
And last but not least “Pulverfass” and “Heinzi” alias Potpurri
Now we are waiting for the Sunday visit