26 March 2020

Lilou visits Piet en Doke

If you fall a meter deep on your back and your left hand breaks and your knee is double the size swollen, then nothing works. That happened to me on February 17th when I wanted to quickly fish the leaves from our fish pond. Somehow lost the balance on the edge of the fish pond and not dropped into the water, but into the basement outlet. Somehow, on this Monday morning, I managed to receive 2x visitors after the fall, and then nothing worked anymore.Visited  First aid after Paul was home. A week unable to move, lying in bed and relying on the help of Paul.

Thank God the real friends showed up during this time and came to help. Thanks to Monika Fuss, Ulf en Anette Bechstedt, Angelika Bardelli, Berth from Rotem, Jolanda from Dilsen, Huub and Thea from Sittard. Very special thanks to my dear husband, who in addition to his work also had to ,manage the dogs, me and the household.

Now, almost 5.5 weeks away, the back is still very painful. The hand has been out of plaster and in a tight cuff for a few more days. Now all we have to do is survive the Corona Virus. Terrible times.

A big thank you also goes to Piet and Doke van Laere from Ter Aar/Netherlands. They spontaneously offered to catch one or two dogs. We gladly accepted that and our 8 month old “Lilou” went to Piet and Doke  for 3 weeks. Lilou had a great time and cam back brushed and clean. Of course she is missed by Doke and Piet, she is a joy to live with.



Breakfast time with Liverpate