21 April 2021

“Lilou” new photos

The last time “Lilou” was on a show, was in September 2020. She is now 21 months old and my heart is bleeding, because I can’t show  anywhere. She is doing more than well, she has “learned” that you can steal very tasty things in the kitchen. You just have to jump with the front paws on the kitchen counter and you can get to everything. Today she helped me plant flowers. She dragged all the empty plant pots around and chewed on them a little. It was really nice to put the white Beard in the potting soil. She also chased away a few pigeons. The poor birds just wanted to drink from the fish pond.

“Seejungfrau aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” 21 months old

Seejungfrau aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal Seejungfrau aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal Seejungfrau aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal Seejungfrau aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal Seejungfrau aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal

Paul, my dear darling, had to go away for a short hour and left Lilou in the living room with Norman and Doro ………… that was not a good idea. 2 glasses, two pens and a paper napkin lay on the living room table. That animated “Lilou” to play with it …… after I had swept everything up, this picture emerged ….