“Karussel” is Champion number 139
“Motte” (Karussel aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal) and her owner Mrs. Ute Engel, again drove to Poland. This time they went to Walbrzych / Swiebodziche and here the Irishman Mr. Muldoon judged the OES.
Mrs. Engel wrote us the following by E-mail:
We have made it. We are number 139. Since yesterday we have fullfilled all commitments necessary for the Title of Polish Champion. Mr. Muldoon from Ireland was our judge and he was very enthousiastic about our Motte. Since a long time he had not seen such beautiful dark eyes and such a wonderful pigment. Most dogs are relatively white around the eyes. Now we can officially list Motte in the row of “aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” Champions.
Ain’t it beautiful, after the destroying judgement during our last Show we visited? In every sentence you could read the word Lovely for: perfect coat, excellent Top-line, beautiful pigment on nose and lips, lovely large great legs and brest depth. A very good tail cariage he stated later on verbally.
Here some pictures which have been made outside in the wind, but during sunshine.