11 March 2014

Socke has her puppies

“Socke” (Ch. Himmlisch aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)had a stomach round as a bowling ball and we had taken into consideration that she would not make it until day 63. Yesterday, on day 59 it happened. In the afternoon I had groomed her and did she enjoy the sunshine on her round belly. Around 18.00, the first puppy was born. Number 9 on 01.30 hrs at night. Socke became a little more quiet and we went outside twice, because she still had contractions. I thought maybe another puppy will be born, or another placenta will have to come out. At her belly I couldn’t feel anything anymore. So at 05.30 I laid down on the couch to catch some sleep. At 07.30 she was thirsty and  my “night rest” was over. During my morning routine with the dogs, I noticed that she was still having contractions. Again we went on the meadow, where she did her morning needs. At 09.00 I contacted our veterinarian with the question what to do? Make an X-Ray or inject a medication for contractions. We decided to use the contraction fluid. Approximately 09.50 she wanted to go out again. And than, completely surprising puppy number 10 was born. Alive and well. A delay of 8 hours!!! But all’s well that ends well. In the mean time, all puppy’s have been on the scale. The smallest one weighs 340 grams and the other weigh between 400 en 480 grams. We have 5 males and 5 bitches. “Socke” is the perfect mother, who has all natural instincts and takes excellent care of her puppies.

Socke on Monday with 10 puppies still in her stomach.


The 5 males, not even 24 hrs old.


the 5 girls


Socke freshly washed, together with her 10 kiddies
