29 May 2013

Bandita puppies 4 weeks old

Last Monday, it was 4 weeks ago since our 8 puppies were born. In the meantime they are using the puppy kennel in the full lenght and width. During the last two days the hatch has been standing open to give the puppies the opportunity to go outside and the weather was finally good. Some very brave puppies have been standing in front of the hatch to snif the frangrances of the big wide world. They just didn’t have the courage to make the step outside. This decision I have taken for them. Bandita was standing outside the kennel and waiting for her children. After which I shoved them outside through the hatch.  First of all they started screaming until they discovered their mother Bandita and they ran to the milk bar very fast. Now I had the time to clean everything in peace. The puppies now have the possibility to eat continuously and at the end of this week I will give them fresh minced meat for the first time. That will certainly not stand very long. When you step into their kennel, the littles rascals start biting in your trousers. From now on it is my task to observe and get to know the puppies better in order to advise the puppy buyers about the charactres and to see whitch can be suited to eachother. Five bitches have found a new home and for 2 we are still searching.

The pictures where made when the puppies were 3,5 weeks old.

The male, Mr. Malone, had already a place since his birth. It will be the 3rd OES from our kennel going to the Kraatz family in Kronberg/GER.


the ladies, again, had to be split up in two groups, as I don’t even manage by my self to get them all together  in one picture.



With three weeks, having been in the kindergarden for two days.



Diner is ready!
