11 June 2014

Arnhem/NL and Saarbrücken/GER

During Whitsun, the Show agenda is overfilled. Almost none of the “die-hards” stayed at home. Neither do I! Like every year on Whitsun, Saturday the 3 day Show of Arnhem/NL was held. That is a tradition. As we where going with the Beardies anyhow, King also had to come. Mrs. Runderkamp judged the 9 eneterd OES and we ended with a double victory. Our “Kingsize aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal“, became Best Male and Chris Beirendonk with her Ch. Koko Chanell aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal, Best Of Breed.

Unfortunately we do not have a better picture.


In Saarbrücken/GER a double Show was held. On Saturday, the Int-Show, where the Danish Svend Lovenskjaer judged and on Sunday the National Show. Here it was Mrs. Melchior who acted a a replacement for the original planned judge. During both days, Johny Kiefer was present with Ch. Keenonyou aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal, owned by Maryse Cornelis. On both days he became Best Male. Res-Best Male, on Saturday, became a son of our Eldorado. It was the Hyhs family with Ch. “Snowboots Magic Maddox”.

Johny Kieffer with the judge Mr. Lovendskjaer and Ch. Keen on you aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal

Keenonyou Saarbrücken 06-14