2 days Dortmund/GER and South-Wales/UK
The 2 large Shows of Dortmund, Germany, which are held every year in May and October are very tiring. Why? Because it are double Shows. Now in October on 3 days the Bundessieger Show and simoultaneously at the same 3 days, the International Show. A total of 9113 dogs, divided over the various halls of the Westphalia Park. Off course you don’t have to enter, but if there are good or new judges, the temptation is enormous to throw yourself into this adventure. On Friday 17-10 the Bobtails where judged by Mr. Clom Hastings from Ireland and on Sunday the judging was done by Mrs. Kips from Luxemburg. Off course King was entered, as he doesn’t own the Bundessieger title yet. Our 2 Beardie girls also came along.
Dortmund is stress pure and has to be well prepared. If you have to drive thru the Ruhr Area on a Fridaymorning, because you want to be in the Hall at 06.30 hrs (Hall opens at 07.00), means you have to leave at 04.30 at your house and get up at 03.30! And this, 2 days in a row! The alternative is a local hotel, if possible right next to the show ground. Chris Beirendonk had also entered her Bobtail Bitch and we both wanted to bring this Dortmund adventure to a good end and by the way it is much nicer and you have more fun in good company. Bookings where made for 2 days in the Steigenberger Hotel. One week for the start of the Show, the mapping of the Halls was anounced with the several rings and starting times. Panic all over! As usual the Bobtails where going to be judged in Hall 6 and the judging would start at approximately 11.15 hrs. Normally the judging of the Beardies is also done in this Hall and very close to the Bobtails. This time however, the judging was done in Hall 1, at a rough distance of minimum 850 meters away from eachother. The judging started at 09.00 with the males and the bitches would start at 10.30. The end of the Beardies judging would be at around 12.00 hrs. Yeez!! Now what??? Sleepless nights. Chris and I where discussing, how to manage this situation. In fact not at all. But you grow with the years. Telephoned with the Bobtailclub, who where in charge during this Special Show. They where convinced that the judging would not start before 11.15 hrs and were going to try to delay the judging. Chris would bring King in her Car and have him ready at Ring 13, Hall 6. In case the plan wasn’t going to work, she would also show him. The Vanbossche family had promised me to look after the 2 Beardies after the judging, in case I had to speed run over to Hall 6. The weather was checked with the weather App. Friday morning rain: a pity! Saturday dry.
Around 22.00 hours, Chris and I where at the hotel and as usual went to bed too late. It was 23.30 hrs. Chris had a cold and had to cough a lot. This was, for her Bobtail Bitch “Chanell” a sign of happiness and was wagging her tail against the wall for joy. My 3 where thinking every time, it is time to get up. When finally at 04.30 the alarm went off, I was happy and tired. Why so early? Well simple: 4 dogs need 4 sets of socks, in order for the legd to stay dry during the dog walk. This takes time and you always need more time when 2 Beardie girls have to pee. It takes time. Afterwards all the socks have to be taken off and hung in the car to dry. Opening the windows and back to the hotel room. For styling and looks I roughly need an hour. Faster is not possible at my age. Breakfast from 05.45 to 06.15. Why so long? Very simple. These stressful days should be started easily and the 2 of us enjoy to breakfast. This is important, as you won’t get anything to eat anymore until 15.00 as there is not enough time to eat. At 06.30 I was standing in front of Hall 1 and Chris had a parkingspot close to Hall 6, found an unlocked door and was in the Hall before the cloud burst started. I still had to wait until 07.15, till the personal decided to open the doors. In the meantime it rained cats and dogs. Lucky for me, I was standing under a overhang, but most of the people waiting got soaking wet.
After I had set up the Benches, the Vanbossches where also in the Hall as one of the first and my neighbours, I took off to Hall 6. I had to try to find the fastest route, in order to get at Ring 13 in time. This almost took me 10 minutes and at that time the halls where still empty. But everything will work out.
With the Beardies I had won everything, when I received a message from Chris Beirendonk, saying that I had 6 to 7 minutes left to get to the Bobtail ring. I dropped everything, the dogs where handed over to Mrs. Hellwig and Vanbossche and I ran off. When you are 58 years old, also a few pound to heavy, distance is a challenge. Totally breathless I arrived just in time at the Bobtails and was able to show King. Colm Hastings had 39 entries of which 32 where present. It is known that he likes masculine males and that bitches have to be feminine. The Champion Class was well occupied with 5 males. King looked splendid and was in top condition, but it was only good enough for a 2nd place and the Res-CACIB. Chris stood in the Champion Class Bitches with 4. “Koko Chanell” is one of the most beautiful bitches, I have ever bred. A wonderful feminine bitch, beautiful head with very dark eyes. Long neck, typical rising topline, compact and great angulations. Simply said: She is a class apart! But also Chris had to do it with a second place and the Res-CACIB. The dog that was placed in front of hers, was in my opinion too big. Okay, there is no maximum hight for a Bobtail, but a bitch who has 65 centimeters or more is something you have to get used to. She has a beautiful color and coat, but what is underneath it remains a secret. Something that I can’t stand that well is the excessive cut modell, that reminds you of a sculptur. The head has been cut out and placed on the neck like a Christmas ball hanging at a branch. All hair is standing and nothing moves, somthing that can only be achieved by using enormous amounts of hairspray. And off course I am the bad loser again and the one who says what many are thinking. Correct, I think I own the right to give my opinion and not becoming overwhelmed. Such excesses can only be stopped by judges, but as long as people place our Bobtails like this and win, immitators will always excist. By all means, we do also cut, backcombe and use spray, but it is should not become a matter of who is the best hairdresser. Unfortunately, judges are being mislead by these optics and forget what they feel with their hands. Many of the participants shaired my opinion.
Pictures with a thank you to: the Labous family from France and the Silberhorn family from Dortmund.
Champion Class Males: 1st Place Aryakas Midas, 2nd Kingsize aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal, 3rd Youandi Grand Cru, 4th Danish Delight Qautrback,
Best Male: Aryakas Midas, Judge Mr. Hastings and Res- Male Kingsize aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
the Champion Class Bitches: BOB en Best Bitch: Bottom Shaker So easy to love, Res- beste Teef “Koko Chanelle aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal and 3rd Agatha from Old Cottage Garden. Not in the Picture: 4th Place Sweet Expressions Q-Tie Pie
Unfortunately no picture was made of Best Male and Best Bitch together.
At 15.00 everything had finished overhere. I had to walk back all the way, this time in a much easier tempo, because all babysitters wanted to leave but didn’t want to leave my Beardie girls behind unattendedly. Everything was packed into the car. Let the dogs out with socks on and back to Hall 6 to Chris. We still had to go shopping and collect several vouchers. At 18.00 we where back at the hotel. One more time all dogs got their socks on, the sun was shining, time to give the dogs some time off. We where just tired, so we ate something at the Hotel very quickly and around 20.30 we went to bed. It was a quiet night. ALL dogs where sleeping and Chris was also feeling better and didn’t have to cough. At 04.15 the alarm went off and the complete procedure was repeated as the day before. With the exception that the car had to be packed, suitcases and people as this was the day of departure. On Saturday, the Bobtails where also in Hall 1 directly next to the Beardies. At 09.00 hrs. the Bobtails where on as first. 28 had been entered and 22 showed up for the judge Mrs. Kips from Luxemburg.
For King and myself it was a scoop. Het became 4th of 4 males. Mrs. Kips thought he was too long. Okay if she says soo. I have made a quick calculation: King has been to 42 Shows, got 32 times an Excellent 1 and 10 times an Excellent 2nd Place. Now he has an Excellent 4th place as well. Chris with “Koko Chanell aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” became 1st and also got Best Of Breed.
It was with Prada and Schoko just like the day before, but this time “Schoko” became Best Bitch. At 12.00 we where finished and finally could go home. Chris had become Best of Breed with her Bobtail “Chanell” and as the breeder of this dog, but also as a good friend of Chris I stayed to support her. Later on we brought the dogs to the car, as they would get more rest here, than staying at the show. The long waiting time, Chris and I killed with drinking coffee and at the Pro-Plan Stand we where treated of a glass of Prosecco. The Team was very hospitable. After this we went to a much too small Preparation Ring and waited here for Chris to participate at the finals which started at 17.15. She ended amongst the last 6, of which only 3 where placed. At 18.00 we went home after a very successful double Dortmund Show. With a low hanging sun, more a sunset and a tiredness having to drive home is not the most ideal situation. 19.45 I came home, where Harry was already in the starting blocks, as we had to drive to Aachen/GER, to a birthday party of good friends, Elke van Dijk and Mathias Steinmetz. Mathias had become 60 and that was a reason for celebration. It was a wonderful party, but around midnight I was almost in a coma. Sundaymorning at 01.00 I went to bed after a 21 hours long day. What else would you do on a free day besides spending time on your hobby. 🙂
In the morning at 06.30 in front of the entrance of Hall 1. Here we made ourselves comfortable.
The Champion Class Bitches: 1st Place Koko Chanell aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal, 2nd Plaats Bottom Shaker so easy to love 3rd Place Agatha from Old Cottage Garden
This picture I have shared on Facebook and written te comment that it is the Champion Class BITCHES and that the Nr.2 refused to let his dog stand upride. Again it became my dilemma: When I write nothing, they tell me how unfair I am and can’t wait until the moment the competitor was able to place his/her dog ……….
After this I recieved, from the handler who had ended 2nd at the Bitches, the following public written remark: Dear Cornelia, im showing dogs since 20 years on a very high level in few breeds but i nevet see a soo bed loser than You!! This is My personal opinion. One more time Congratulations for Koko Chanell